ATA Comp Fund


How to File a Claim

  1. Injured worker reports the injury to employer.
  2. If the injury requires emergency care, contact 911 and initiate the CAT Claim Response by calling Director of Claims, Suzy Baker, at 334-425-4218
  3. If not an emergency, complete a FROI of injury and direct injured worker to approved medical provider for treatment.  Consider whether or not telemedicine is appropriate (for those who are enrolled in the program)
  4. Employer should report claim within 24 hours by submitting a completed FROI via email:  ata@ccmsi.com
  5. Click here for the First Report of Injury form 
    • Reporting via phone is also an option if email reporting is unavailable: (844) 858-8237

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ATA Comp Fund announces promotion of Katie Coaker

The ATA Comp Fund and Alliance Interstate Risk Service (AIRS) are pleased to announce the promotion of Katie Coaker to the position of Underwriting Supervisor.  Katie has...

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