ATA Comp Fund


Claim TPA transition effective July 15, 20210


Today is the day!  Effective today, July 15th, CCMSI will be the third party administrator for all claim handling (Alabama as well as all other states). 

There will be two methods of reporting (email and phone); please be sure to update your records accordingly.  This is the same information for Cross Border claim reporting in the past (no change).

First Reports of Injury (FROI) via email for all claims:

First Reports of Injury (FROI) via phone for all claims:
(844) 858-8237

Claim Billing Address:
2 East Main Street, Suite 208
Danville, IL 61832

If you have any questions during this transition, please reach out to our office at (334) 834-7911 or by contacting us HERE.

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