ATA Comp Fund


Certified Safety Program

The Certified Safety Program (CSP) is offered as an incentive to have Fund Members “buy in” to the Fund’s behavior-based loss control model and earn additional discounts, saving the participating Member an additional 1% to 10% off their annual contribution. Discounts are applied to the following year’s renewal. 

The CSP is available to all Fund Members and is made up of three factors:

Our Risk Managers make on-site visits to Fund Members throughout the year and continually monitor the progress of each CSP participant.  This is an annual program and is available to each Member with an effective date prior to April 1st of each year.

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ATA Comp Fund announces promotion of Katie Coaker

The ATA Comp Fund and Alliance Interstate Risk Service (AIRS) are pleased to announce the promotion of Katie Coaker to the position of Underwriting Supervisor.  Katie has...

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