ATA Comp Fund


Risk Management Advisory Committee (RMAC)

4.27.21 RMAC Recap - Technology

4.27.21 RMAC Recap - Engagement

4.27.21 RMAC Recap - Situational Awareness

2021 Safety Blitz - Daily Flyers

3.16.22 RMAC Meeting Agenda

Post-Accident Call Process

Sample Flatbed Policy - Loading & Unloading

Sample Flatbed Policy - Fall Prevention

4.4.23 RMAC Meeting Agenda

4.4.23 RMAC Recap - Driver Managers

4.4.23 RMAC Recap - Safety Blitz

4.4.23 RMAC Recap - Musculoskeletal Injuries

4.4.23 RMAC Recap - Pledge Campaign

2023 RMAC Committee Members

3.19.24 RMAC Meeting Agenda

3.19.24 RMAC Recap - Aging Workforce

3.19.24 RMAC Recap - Accident/Incident Investigation

3.19.24 RMAC Recap - Corporate vs Safety Culture

3.19.24 RMAC Recap - #SB23 Recap

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ATA Comp Fund announces promotion of Katie Coaker

The ATA Comp Fund and Alliance Interstate Risk Service (AIRS) are pleased to announce the promotion of Katie Coaker to the position of Underwriting Supervisor.  Katie has...

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